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Strategic plan 2024–27

Our vision

Trust in the integrity of councillors.

Human rights

We will respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision-making and actions.

Cultural acknowledgement

We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestors of this land, their spirits and their legacy. The foundations laid by these ancestors – our First Nations peoples – give strength, inspiration and courage to current and future generations towards creating a better Queensland.

Community objectives

The Office of the Independent Assessor contributes to the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community.

Growing our regions

Help Queensland’s regions grow by attracting people, talent and investment, and driving sustainable economic prosperity.

Building Queensland

Drive investment in the infrastructure that supports the State’s economy and jobs, builds resilience and underpins future prosperity.

Our purpose

An efficient and trusted councillor complaints framework


  • Deliver a complaints framework that is balanced, timely, efficient and consistent

Performance indicators:

  • Complaint clearance rate of 90 per cent
  • Percentage of assessments completed within target timeframes
  • Percentage of investigations/natural justice processes completed within target timeframes
  • Frivolous and vexatious complaints are identified and dealt with


  • Undertake quality and timely investigations into councillor conduct
  • Effectively progress disciplinary matters to, and before, the Councillor Conduct Tribunal (CCT) and the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT)
  • Maintain a workforce culture that fosters professional excellence and innovation
  • Respond to changes in the environment and jurisdiction arising out of law reform from the parliamentary oversight committee’s report ‘Inquiry into the Independent Assessor and councillor conduct complaints system’ (State Development and Regional Industries Committee, October 2022)

Acting strategically to enhance councillor integrity


  • Collaborate with key stakeholders to support them to build capacity and foster a culture of accountability and ethical practice in local government.

Performance indicators:

  • The number of complaints made to the Office of the Independent Assessor
  • The number of referrals to the department responsible for local government to undertake targeted training interventions and capacity building based on information arising out of councillor conduct complaints
  • The number of councillors who self-refer their own conduct


  • Using holistic decision-making and a variety of legislative options to manage councillor complaints, improving councillor capacity and delivering early resolution
  • Use complaints data to identify opportunities to strengthen accountabilities and ethical practice
  • Engage through the department and/or the Tripartite Forum to communicate strategic training and law reform issues
  • Regularly release councillor complaints metrics and information to stakeholders for educative purposes

Our values

Customers first. Ideas into action. Unleash potential. Empower people. Be courageous.

Our opportunities

  • Support councillors focused on strong and resilient communities and economic prosperity to make ethical decisions in the public interest
  • Support councillors to adjust to changing ethical expectations and cultural change
  • Support an engaged workforce by valuing knowledge, capability and diversity and recognising and encouraging innovation

How we strive to manage risk

  • Using systems and resources as efficiently and effectively as possible
  • Timely reporting of strategic issues impacting on the councillor conduct framework to the Minister, the department responsible for local government, the OIA parliamentary oversight committee and key stakeholders

Download the strategic plan

Strategic plan 2024–27 ( 185.4 KB)

Last updated: 24 Jun 2024